Yestersday, I had the opportunity to present to the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) in Wellington, New Zealand.

The TEC is a Crown Agency which leads the Government’s relationship with the tertiary education sector in New Zealand and provides career services from education to employment. The TEC invests over $3 billion into tertiary education and supporting the tertiary and careers system every year.

The TEC has recently launched a National Careers System Strategy which sets out New Zealand’s approach to developing its career guidance system over the next few years.

I was asked to visit the TEC and talk to them and other government and NGO representatives about international policy and practice in career guidance. Essentially the question was what they could usefully learn from the experience of other countries.

My core message (as always) was that countries need to build a high quality lifelong guidance system and that investment is needed in order to make that a reality.

These were the slides that I used…

. Presentations

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